
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2019

post 8

so, summer plans, I'd like to travel backpacking to perú, I planned a huge way trough Bolivia. but this way takes like two months. when I started this I was believing that vacations would start at december but with all this beautiful chaos that is taking control of the city I guess that a big ass strike is coming and I'm totally agree with that. but if a strike won't come I'd like to make this travel reality beacuase it's a really beatiful plan that I made with my girlfriend and a chance to make our relationship stronger. And that's not the only reason the experience of backpacking it's a chance to open your mind to new cultures, new lifestiles and also to hear stories and learn from them. ok now I ran out of words and ideas. I'm going to smoke some weed and I'll return to get 240 words… ok well, I just had some Deep reflections and I realized that this travel can change my life. I hate this country, I really can't understand why we live like we


really? again? ok, so as I said last week I don´t know what I'm going to do with my life when I finish my career, but again I'm forced to answer something. Sometimes I think that all these blogs are going to be printed on a english book for school students, beeing in this classroom remembers me a Simpson's episode where monkeys were writting sentences for that chinese cookies (I'll put an image of the esspisode). So when I finish my career I think I would like to take some workshops about cinematography, because I want to specialize the most I can to make blowing mind shots, just like Mr John Toll who was the cinematography director of the best tv show ever, Breaking Bad. Nobody can say that Breaking Bad isn't a masterpiece and if you say that I have to tell you that you're very stupid. Getting back to the subject, I really don´t know where I'd study, but first at all I need money because those workshops are expensive af and with a tittle of cinema maker