singapur is my dream

if you ask me why Singapur is such a majestic place, I really don´t know were to begin. I´m wondering that you are thinnking about where the hell is Singapur so I gently copy and paste the coordinates of Google maps 1.350196, 103.869148.I really don´t have any knowledge about this country, anything about its culture or even its langauje. simply I started to think where can i go and Singapur was the first word that came to my mind, so here where are. after a little research on the internet I realized that it wasn´t the bizarre country that I was imagining otherwise It´s a nice place the people there really loves eating crab and that really like that, so the first thing that I'd do there it would be eat some good crab and then just travel and try to know more of its culture and I may even stay there for a year or two, who knows? after all they have a really good health service and a pretty decent education level. 
